Labor Archives of

Kagarlyk district of

Kyiv regiond


History of Archive

Фото архіву відсутнє

Decision of the District Council in Kaharlyk - Convocation , № 96- 08- B, on 22 March 2007 decided to establish a legal entity ( utility ) " Labor Archives Kagarlyksky area " approved status " Labor Archives Kaharlyk area" to determine location entity, approve the size, structure and budget for the maintenance of " Labor archives Kagarlyksky area ."

The main objectives of the archive: preservation of archival records of subjects of different ownership forms and centralized interim storage of documents accumulated in the official documentation , labor and other legal entities and individuals , and other archival documents that do not belong to the National Archive Fund, in accordance with Article 29 of the Law Ukraine "On National archival Fund and archival Institutions" , following centuries. 43, 60 of the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine , according to the Regulations on Labor Archives ."